Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Salut, tout le monde!

It’s been a while since the last post. A lot has happened.

#1. Moved to a new tempat tinggal

This place is called ‘Lycee Atlantique’ (Lycee means highschool). I have never thought that it would be very wow. Gila eh. Anyway, I’ll be staying there for the next 2 months@until my term in CAREL finishes.

Lycee office from my room


My bed! :)

#2. Visited 2 lighthouses
  • La Phare de Saint-Georges-de-Didonne

My first time going up to the top of a lighthouse was just awesome! The breeze up there, the scenery from up there, magnifique!

  • La Phare de Cordouan

Being in the oldest lighthouse in France brought up the unknown feeling deep inside of you (uinah, deep.. :P) After a 45-minute journey by ship, I stepped on the sandy beach that surrounds the historic contruction. By the way, for those who are captured by the beauty of this lighthouse, you can always come, just prepare 24 euros (or RM120). Hehhhehe.

Mia from Sweden (dia ada kacukan korea) and I

Jessica from Sweden

#3. My French : Upgraded to elementary class (from debutant)

Oh yeah! Naik kelas suda baa~ Dari budak tadika punya level,sekarang budak sekolah rendah (should I be happy or wat? :P) Feeling great! This showed that I have made progresses in my French. “Bonjour!”

Salle 114 : Class pictures :)

#4. New bike

Having to walk all the time was just tiring. I decided to buy a bike then, together with 6 of my other friends. 84 euros was not bad especially for a bike that is equipped with suspensions, 21-speed gear and disc-brakes. : )

#5. Sightseeing

My friends and I felt bored during one of the weekends and we decided to go sightseeing. The interesting part was, we just cycled instinctively hoping that we would end up somewhere interesting.(Bingung2 juga la kadang2) We did! Landed to Saujon, an outskirt village which is out of Royan map and for your information, we only have Royan map. That’s what we called instinct, man! The sunflower farms were awesome!

The sunflower is bigger that my head! Buli tahan eh~

#6. Notre-Dame de Royan

It was Sunday. I attended the church service there with another friend, Eugene. A lot of senior people and there are some young ones too. Very traditional but the pipe organ was AWESOME (I think it’s 10 meters tall)!!! The acoustics in that building are creepy, it’s just indescribable.

The majestic grand piano

#7. Horse Jumping International

I’m not really into horses but hey, I won’t be losing anything if I go anyway because it’s free! :P yeahh, watched all the horses jumping over the fences, bla bla. I took the opportunity to sayang2 the horses and I’m surprised how such a majestic animal can be very tame. But they berak a lot la. *Pinches nose*

#8. My French (again) : Upgraded to next level “Seuil” (from elementaire)

Oh yeah! Naik kelas lagi ba~ I really didn’t expect to be upgraded to a higher level in 2 weeks. Nevertheless, this would be a challenge and it would be the opportunity for me to improve my French. “Je vais trouver la lumière” By the way, seuil means “starting to experience independence in doing something” and in this context, to speak French :)

The two sisters (L:Kristin and R:Malin) who have finished their terms in CAREL

#9. Soiree Internationale 2008 (International Night 2008)

IT WAS AWESOME! I performed! Didn’t really performed but I played some instruments. I was in dilemma whether I should be performing solo or not but it didn’t happen anyway. Instead, at least I contributed my time and effort into some of the performances. :)

Practice session

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Kau Ilhamku

That’s all for now then. Will keep you updated!


Unknown said...

hahhaa.. so cooool oh your tempat tidurrrr!! yerrrrrr. and astagah.. punya funny ur post.. i like the sunflower part..and oso the horse part.. hahaha... enjoyed it. well.. keep posting! :)

Anonymous said...

and oh.. alvin.. that last comment was from ME. i have NO freaking idea HOW on EARTH i signed using my DAD'S google account.. HAHAHAHA....

Alvin Wr said...

duiii,patutlah the first time i read ur first comment, i was like "who the heck is this person puji2 me this?" hahahha..