Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Music is Life #2

It's been a while since I wrote these songs but just didn't blog them. So, I hope you will be able to feel the lyrics :) I'll get the songs recorded as soon I get a new guitar :) Enjoy!


When you and I first met
I saw the cheeky smile on your face
I said 'Hello'
And you smiled back at me

As we get along by day
The pranks we pulled, the scolding we had
I said "I'm sorry'
And you said "It's okay"

All the memories of yesterdays
All the joy of today
And all the hopes of tomorrow
All the years we've been through
All the ups and downs
You were always there for me
What a great friend I have


I could see the future
Everything that it holds
It brings unending torture
When all secrets unfold

Walk along the coastline
Watch the flocks of birds
Wish I could be as free
But I can only imagine

You and I
Be the shining stars
In the darkness of the night
Cause it's you
Who paints the lives of others
And make their world go round, it's you
In some way
You stir in me
The way it's never been before
So deep...

That's When

I couldn't see anymore
The real nature itself
I couldn't feel anymore
Numbness of my senses has become real

I wonder how
How does it really feel?
The feeling of losing what you cherish the most

Dark clouds hover over me
Every night
There seems endless loneliness
Walk by with their forlorn steps
Every moment
Painted black and white
That's when
That's when
You go away...

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