Thursday, April 3, 2008

Butterfly in my stomach

Tomorrow will be the day of 'tangan sejuk' for me. After obtaining a good result (did not reached my target though) in my SPM examination, I have been hunting scholarships offered by various bodies; government, private,etc. After all, I applied for Public Service Department(PSD) or JPA and also the Petronas scholarships. I am short-listed for the JPA one and there will be an interview for all the shortlisted candidates. As for me, the interview will be tomorrow (4th April)!!! My REAL interview in my life after all the mock interviews at school.heh :) I AM ANXIOUS, NERVOUS,(i don't know other -ous word.hehehe) However, surprisingly, today I am feeling a bit relax,I do not know why,confident perhaps? I'm not nervous, yet. Kinda excited now. Whatever happens tomorrow, I'll make sure I go all out. Cheers! Wish me all the best lah! :P

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